Un livre important, de teneur scientifique, sur le musicien russe Arthur Lourié, ami des Maritain, avec les données les plus récentes concernant la biographie et l'oeuvre du compositeur.
Funeral Games in honor of Arthur Vincent Lourié, edited by Klara Moricz and Simon Morrisson, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014, IX- 303 p.

"This most important Lourié publication since 1993 will open the gate to a new biography. I highly recommend it to all musicians willing to perform and record the unique music of Russia's fascinating 20th century Orpheus."
Stefan Hulliger, President Arthur Lourié Society, Basel/Switzerland
"For all the untimeliness of its hero, the perpetual émigré Arthur Lourié, Funeral Games is one timely volume. It brings together a stellar constellation of scholars to illuminate through the reflected light of Lourié's complex engagements with acmeism, neoclassicism, Eurasianism, neo-Thomism, as well as a number of musical luminaries-more than a few dark corners of modernist history and esthetics."
Anna Nisnevich, University of Pittsburgh
Acknowledgments vii
A Note on Transliteration ix
Introduction: Endgames and Funeral Games 1
Klára Móricz
1. Arthur Lourié: A Biographical Sketch 28
Olesya Bobrik, Translated by Klára Móricz and Simon Morrison
2. Turania Revisited, with Lourié My Guide 63
Richard Taruskin
3. Koussevitzky's Ghostwriter 121
Simon Morrison
4. Retrieving What Time Destroys: The Palimpsest of Lourie's The Blackamoor of Peter the Great 150
Klára Móricz
5. Jacques Maritain and the Catholic Muse in Lourie's Post-Petersburg Worlds 196 Caryl Emerson
Epilogue: The Silver Age and Tinseltown 269 Simon Morrison
Index 289